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2019.09-2023.9: 西安交通大学,机械学院,机械工程专业,博士研究生学历/博士学位,导师:吴九汇教授






  1. JW装发部,JW科技委重点研发项目,JZM-2019******,水******制,2019.7.202022.6.30500万元,结题,参与

  2. JW装发部,JW科技委研发项目,JZ-2021*****,超材料******2021.2.12022.11.3068万元,结题,参与

[3] 国家自然科学基金委员会,自然基金面上项目,61573289,基于压电材料的舰载无人攻击机颤振半主动控制研究,65万元,结题,参与


  1. Libo Wang(王立博), Chengzhi Ma, Jiuhui Wu, et al. A thin meta-structure with multi-order resonance for underwater broadband sound absorption in low frequency [J]. Applied Acoustics, 2021, 108025.SCI二区,IF: 3.6

  2. Libo Wang(王立博), Chengzhi Ma, Yunzhong Lei, et al. Broadband high-efficiency meta-structures design by acoustic critical absorption effect[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2022, 109063.SCI二区,IF: 3.6

  3. Libo Wang(王立博), Jiuhui Wu, Yunzhong Lei, et al. A novel membrane-cavity-grating (MCG) meta-structure for enhancing low-frequency sound absorption[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 395502. SCI三区,IF: 3.4

  4. Libo Wang(王立博), Chengzhi Ma, Jiuhui Wu, et al. Realizing high-efficiency low frequency sound absorption of underwater meta-structures by acoustic siphon effect[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2021, 2150319 SCI四区,IF: 1.9

  5. Wei Tang, Libo Wang(王立博), Yumei Ren, et al. Design and experimental analysis of selfsensing SSDNC technique for semi-active vibration control[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2018, 085028. SCI二区,IF: 4.1

  6. Lei YZ, Wu JH, Huang Z, Libo Wang(王立博), et al. Broadband directional resonant tunneling emission enhancement via acoustic anisotropic metamaterials[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2022, 109050.SCI二区,IF: 3.6

  7. Lei YZ, Wu JH, Libo Wang(王立博), et al. Deep sub-wavelength acoustic transmission enhancement and whisper via the monopole resonance in meta-cavities[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2023, 109227.SCI二区,IF: 3.6

  8. Libo Wang(王立博), Wei Tang, Yumei Ren, et al. Improved Synchronized Switch Damping on Negative Capacitances for Semi-Active Vibration Control[C]. 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 2018, 5064-5069. (EI)

  9. 马承志,王立博,吴晓,吴九汇基于声学虹吸效应的水下低频大宽带吸声机理研究[J]. 振动与冲击,202216041. (EI)

  10. 马承志,王立博,吴九汇水下吸声超材料的质量集中效应[J].西安交通大学学报, 2021, 055(012):163-171. (EI)

  11.  用于结构振动控制的自感知混合负电容同步开关阻尼电路专利授权号:CN108594880B, (第三发明人,已授权)

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